Thursday, January 28, 2010

Celebrating our Baby News

So even though were on our strict Dave Ramsey budget, I decided our baby news was worth doing something fun to celebrate. Good thing I have been setting aside extra $$ for a special occasion. I surprised Jerome with a day at Point Reyes and then a night away in Bodega Bay. In my head it was meant to be just a quick, but relaxing and loving little getaway. I planned a yummy picnic lunch to eat on the beach at Point Reyes then a trip to the lighthouse to go whale watching. After that, I would pretend we were driving home, then......Surprise, Were heading to Bodega Bay for a romantic night away. He would find the suitcase I snuck in the trunk and be so excited! Like I said, in my head it sounded great. But since someone (me) did not pay attention to the weather, our weekend turned out a little different. Jerome loved it anyway.

We had to eat out picnic in the car because it was pouring and very windy. When it died down, we went for a short walk on the beach, but decided it was too cold to go to the lighthouse. Oh well. Maybe we'll see the whales another time. He was so surprised when I did not drive home but instead went in the other direction. We had an amazing room with a fireplace, which was great because it was still raining outside. We ended up staying in the room instead of exploring Bodega Bay. It was still fun and a great way to celebrate our little one. The best part was being able to surprise Jerome. I am so thankful for Jerome. He is such a great man and I am so excited to see how wonderful he will be as a dad.

I will post more soon about how I am feeling, but right now I am extremely nauseous and being on the computer is making it worse. The joys of pregnancy!!!

Friday, January 8, 2010

We're Pregnant!!!

I can't believe its finally happening. I feel like we have waited for so long to feel like the timing was right and were so happy. Its true what everyone has told me: "There will never be a perfect time". I am glad we waited because Jerome and I really enjoyed the last 4 1/2 years of marriage being able to focus on each other. I know that this is in God's perfect timing and I feel so amazingly blessed. What a gift it is that God would allow Jerome and I to raise his child. God is so Good!

We found out that I'm pregnant the night my grandma Penny passed away. I think somehow she knew and I know she is rejoicing in heaven. I think we thought it would be negative, but sure enough 2 bright pink lines popped up!!! We just looked at each other with big eyes for a minute, in shock mostly but then came the joy. We hugged, looked at the test a few more times. Then of course we were off to the bookstore for What to Expect When You're Expecting.

It was so fun getting to tell everyone and your excited responses made both Jerome and I feel so special.

Ok, well that's enough for now, check back in for updates on me, the baby and Jerome of course! Maybe I can even get him to post on the blog too.

For I know the plans I have for you says the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Inspired to start a blog!

I've been inspired to start a blog since I love reading my cousin Tawny' blog. What a great way to stay connected to friends and family.